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How to file your purchase of hearing aid batteries from with Medicare for reimbursement:

Step 1
Purchase your hearing aid batteries from

Step 2
When your order arrives retain your invoice and packing slip. You will need to provide these to Medicare as supporting documents for your reimbursement. Your invoice will serve as a proof of purchase, while your packing slip will provide your diagnosis codes, HCPC Code, Tax ID, and other important information.

Step 3
Fill out the Medicare Reimbursement form provided with your order with all the necessary information. Fill in the date of service, quantity of batteries purchased, referring physician, referring physician NPI # on the supporting details page of the “Medicare Request for Medical Payment” form.

To find your referring physician’s NPI #, you can search your physician’s name followed by NPI # on the internet. The NPI # is a 10 digit number that Medicare uses to identify physicians.

Please be sure to double check that all information given is correct as incorrect information can cause a delay in the reimbursement process.

Step 4
Once all information is properly filled out and you have both your invoice and packing slip, you are ready to send your forms to Medicare for reimbursement.

Please send all documents to:
First Coast Service Options, Inc.
PO BOX 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0709

Step 5
Make a copy of your claim submission for your records and allow at least 60 days for Medicare to receive and process your request.

Please note: This process applies to traditional Medicare plans only. If you have a Managed Medicare plan you will need to contact your health plan for claim filing instructions.

How to file your purchase of hearing aid batteries from with Medicaid for reimbursement:

Medicaid recipients part of the “Power-Up Program” must call Cochlear Americas at 1-800-483-3123 and dial 1, in order to file for reimbursement through Medicaid. A representative from Cochlear Americas will be happy to assist you with your claim.